The definition of marriage ( nikah )
The original meaning of the word nikah is the physical relationship between man and woman. It is also used to refer to secondary marriage contract that makes legal relationship. Address Which one is intended can be determined by the context in which they are used. Marriage
Regarding the definition of marriage in fiqh , the simple definition would be something like this:
"A resulting in two physically enjoying each other in a form approved by the Shariah contract parties"
Because it focuses on one aspect of the marriage contract , Muhammad Abu Zahrah ( a modern scholar ) defines it as :
" A resulting in men and women living with others and support each other within the limits of what was planned for them in terms of rights and obligations of the contract. "
Ibn ' Uthaymeen ( ' Uthaymeen ) has a more complete view of the institution of marriage in its definition :
Like any Muslim does so , marriage should only be done after obtaining an understanding of what Allah has prescribed in terms of rights and obligations , as well as gain an understanding of the wisdom behind this institution. Almost all peoples and all societies practice marriage in some form , since the practice of business (buying and selling ) . ' Umar ibn Al- Khattab used to remove people in the market of Medina who were not informed of the fiqh of buying and selling . Similarly, a Muslim should not participate in something as important as marriage without understanding the purpose of marriage in Islam , as well as a broad understanding of the rights and obligations contained in the . Definition
One of the principles of Islamic jurisprudence states : " . Status lawfully things defect until some evidence shows otherwise " On this basis, if new foods are discovered , it is considered legal unless there is a specific purpose or attribute prohibited , for example if it is the cause poisoning . Relationships between men and women do not follow this general principle and in fact , in front of her , the principle is that : .. "Relations between men and women are prohibited until evidence proves otherwise "
Procreation (kids)
One of the most important purposes of marriage is to continue and increase the population of Muslims. Obviously , this can be achieved without marriage , but when actions are performed in disobedience to Allah , receive God's blessing and the whole society is corrupt . The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"This is , without which the obligation can not be fulfilled itself is mandatory. "
Islam is the religion of the fitrah - the religion that is consistent with the instincts and natural needs of mankind. It's not like the man (change ) fixed voltage religions abnormal in people 's self-inflicted ban marriage ( monks and nuns , etc), the prohibition of divorce or monogamy. Men lean toward women and women favor men. Marriage is the institution that fulfills this desire and so pleasing to Allah channels. Allah mentions this attraction :
Different choices for different cases?
What is the state of marriage in the Sharia ? Is it mandatory or just allowed? Some Hanafi scholars broke this issue in different cases:
If a person feels sure that something is going to commit prohibited without home and has the financial capacity to marry , then marriage in his case is fard ( the highest level of compulsory education in the Hanafi terminology ) . Definition
If a person has the capacity to marry and treat his wife properly and fears ( high probability ) that engage in illegal acts if it does not, then marriage in his case is wajib (required ) .
If a person does not have the financial or physical means to marry or feel sure that he will not treat his wife properly, then marriage in his case is haram ( forbidden).
If a person has the means to marry, but believes that he will not treat his wife well , if marriage is makruh ( disliked ) . Allah
If a person has the means to marry and is not afraid to abuse his wife or criminal act if they do not marry , then marriage in his case is mustahabb ( preferred ) .
The latter view is widely regarded as the "default" (al- asl ) in power in this matter , ie , marriage , usually preferred, but not necessary means and becomes mandatory , forbidden etc in cases exceptional . Allah
Since man is usually the one that goes in search of a partner and offers your family , etc. These discussions usually focus on it. Each point of the above discussion , however , applies to women as it does for men.
Notice Dhahiri (literal) Allah
In the literalist school of thought , marriage is considered fard 'ain - an absolute and individual obligation . Among the evidence cited are the following verses of the Quran and Hadith of the Prophet (peace and salvation be upon him ) :
The original meaning of the word nikah is the physical relationship between man and woman. It is also used to refer to secondary marriage contract that makes legal relationship. Address Which one is intended can be determined by the context in which they are used. Marriage
Regarding the definition of marriage in fiqh , the simple definition would be something like this:
"A resulting in two physically enjoying each other in a form approved by the Shariah contract parties"
Because it focuses on one aspect of the marriage contract , Muhammad Abu Zahrah ( a modern scholar ) defines it as :
" A resulting in men and women living with others and support each other within the limits of what was planned for them in terms of rights and obligations of the contract. "
Ibn ' Uthaymeen ( ' Uthaymeen ) has a more complete view of the institution of marriage in its definition :
" There is a mutual contract between a man and a woman, whose aim is to enjoy each other , they become a pious family and a healthy society"The purpose and objectives of Marriage
Like any Muslim does so , marriage should only be done after obtaining an understanding of what Allah has prescribed in terms of rights and obligations , as well as gain an understanding of the wisdom behind this institution. Almost all peoples and all societies practice marriage in some form , since the practice of business (buying and selling ) . ' Umar ibn Al- Khattab used to remove people in the market of Medina who were not informed of the fiqh of buying and selling . Similarly, a Muslim should not participate in something as important as marriage without understanding the purpose of marriage in Islam , as well as a broad understanding of the rights and obligations contained in the . Definition
One of the principles of Islamic jurisprudence states : " . Status lawfully things defect until some evidence shows otherwise " On this basis, if new foods are discovered , it is considered legal unless there is a specific purpose or attribute prohibited , for example if it is the cause poisoning . Relationships between men and women do not follow this general principle and in fact , in front of her , the principle is that : .. "Relations between men and women are prohibited until evidence proves otherwise "
Procreation (kids)
One of the most important purposes of marriage is to continue and increase the population of Muslims. Obviously , this can be achieved without marriage , but when actions are performed in disobedience to Allah , receive God's blessing and the whole society is corrupt . The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"Marry , because I will outnumber the other nations by you in Qiyama . " [ Ibn Majah - Sahih ]It should be emphasized that the goal is not simply to have a child who will live in the next generation . It is fair to have children to be obedient to God and be a source of reward for his parents after his death . The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) did not presume to day Qiyama other nations with Muslim parents of children who have left the path of Islam . Therefore, it is the responsibility of Muslims to seek ways to give their children the education and training they need to develop not only, but to succeed as Muslims worshiping Allah and obeying parents. This obligation may include migration ( hijra ) , build communities and schools and other Muslim obligations. As scholars have noted another principle of fiqh :
"This is , without which the obligation can not be fulfilled itself is mandatory. "
Islam is the religion of the fitrah - the religion that is consistent with the instincts and natural needs of mankind. It's not like the man (change ) fixed voltage religions abnormal in people 's self-inflicted ban marriage ( monks and nuns , etc), the prohibition of divorce or monogamy. Men lean toward women and women favor men. Marriage is the institution that fulfills this desire and so pleasing to Allah channels. Allah mentions this attraction :
"The love of desires of women, son ... became attractive to people . " [ Noble Quran 3:14 ]The Messenger of Allah Himself has stated that the attraction between the sexes is natural and not something to be rejected or canceled - no piped nice way to Allah , saying :
"Women and perfume have been made dear to me in this world of yours and my peace of mind in prayer. " [ Ahmad and others - Saheeh ] DefinitionThe desire of men and women for others is a necessity that must be fulfilled. If left unsatisfied, will be a source of discord and disruption in society. For this reason , the Prophet (peace and salvation be upon him) ordered all the men who are able to fulfill the responsibilities of marriage to do :
" What you can be married , and that help lower his gaze and guard his body ( of sin ) For anyone who is not able , fasting is his protection. . " [An- Nasa i - Sahih]The decision on marriage
Different choices for different cases?
What is the state of marriage in the Sharia ? Is it mandatory or just allowed? Some Hanafi scholars broke this issue in different cases:
If a person feels sure that something is going to commit prohibited without home and has the financial capacity to marry , then marriage in his case is fard ( the highest level of compulsory education in the Hanafi terminology ) . Definition
If a person has the capacity to marry and treat his wife properly and fears ( high probability ) that engage in illegal acts if it does not, then marriage in his case is wajib (required ) .
If a person does not have the financial or physical means to marry or feel sure that he will not treat his wife properly, then marriage in his case is haram ( forbidden).
If a person has the means to marry, but believes that he will not treat his wife well , if marriage is makruh ( disliked ) . Allah
If a person has the means to marry and is not afraid to abuse his wife or criminal act if they do not marry , then marriage in his case is mustahabb ( preferred ) .
The latter view is widely regarded as the "default" (al- asl ) in power in this matter , ie , marriage , usually preferred, but not necessary means and becomes mandatory , forbidden etc in cases exceptional . Allah
Since man is usually the one that goes in search of a partner and offers your family , etc. These discussions usually focus on it. Each point of the above discussion , however , applies to women as it does for men.
Notice Dhahiri (literal) Allah
In the literalist school of thought , marriage is considered fard 'ain - an absolute and individual obligation . Among the evidence cited are the following verses of the Quran and Hadith of the Prophet (peace and salvation be upon him ) :
" And the only thing between you and the righteous among your male and female servants , married . If you are poor , Allah provides needs your generosity. Allah is immense , omniscient . (32 ) And those who are not wedding hold until Allah grants them their favor. " [ Noble Quran 24:32-33 ] AllahThe following hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him salvation) seems to be a blanket "order" for those who have the capacity to marry :
" Young men O, any of you have the ability , let him marry. " [ Bukhari and Muslim] AllahConclusion Regarding the decision of marriage
The view that marriage is - in general - preferred (mustahabb) seems to be the strongest opinion . Ibn 'Uthaymeen also emphasizes that if a person wants to get married , it becomes even more important. He said:
"Marriage in the case of such desire is preferred to supererogatory acts of worship, because of the many successful and worthy of praise effects it has "It is also clear that there is a collective obligation (fard kifaya ) in the Ummah as a whole to promote, protect and facilitate the institution of marriage. If marriage is suffering from neglect or , for example, unreasonable people strength feat delay marriage too long , it is a collective obligation of the Muslim community to come to their aid and ensure that the best possible people to live as part of a wedding. Also, if the Muslims simply have too many single women because of the abandonment of polygamy becomes a collective obligation on Muslims to try and correct this. All this is clearly based on the command of Allah in the above verse , which begins :
"And the only one you marry ... " [Noble Quran 24:32] Marriage
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