1) Treat your body as it deserves to be happy. This may sound corny to say, but your brain is not the only organ in the body that deserves to be happy. The researchers found that exercise, a healthy diet and regular sleep are key factors in the growth and stay happier. How Live
People who are physically active have a higher incidence of enthusiasm and excitement. Scientists have hypothesized that exercise causes the brain to release chemicals called endorphins that elevate our mood. How Live
Eat healthy. Eating healthy foods - fruits and vegetables, lean meats and proteins, whole grains, nuts and seeds - you give your body and your brain the energy it needs to be healthy. Some scientists believe that unhealthy, especially those high in processed sugars and fats carbohydrates industrial vegetable diet is responsible for brain shrinkage and certain brain disorders such as depression and dementia. How Live
Get enough sleep. Study after study confirms this: the more you sleep, tend to be happier. Get an hour of sleep a night makes her happier than making $ 60,000 more in annual revenue, surprisingly enough the average person. So if you are middle aged, pull to get at least eight hours of sleep per night, the young and the elderly should aim to 9-11 hours of sleep per night Live How
2) Stay close to your friends and family: Or go to where they are, so that you can see. We live in a mobile society, where people follow jobs nationwide and sometimes worldwide. We do this because we believe that wage increases make us happier, but in fact, relationships with friends and family have a much greater impact on happiness. So next time you plan to move, I think a raise of more than $ 100,000 is needed to offset the loss of happiness that you have to get away from your friends and family. How Live
If relationships with friends and family are unhealthy or nonexistent, and are determined to move forward, choose a place that will do the same amount of money as everyone else, according to a study, people feel more financially secure (and happy) when in a similar financial footing people around them, regardless of what is up. How Live
3) Be compassionate. Compassion is doing something good for someone in need, or someone less privileged than you. A (where scientists see in the brains of people when they act or think) brain imaging study found that people who take so much happiness to see others give to charity because they receive money themselves! How Live
Think quick, simple and effective ways you can make your community a better place by compassion:
Tutor, volunteer or participate in a church group. Countless children are looking for someone to teach and act as a role model. How Live
Ask a microcredit. A microcredit is when you give someone (usually in the developing world) a very small amount of money for its own economic project. Many microcredit have a rate of return of 95% +.
Give a person in need of food, clothing or shelter. This is so basic that we often forget to think, and yet so easy to do. How Live
4) Have, deep and meaningful conversations. A study by a psychologist at the University of Arizona showed that they spend less time in conversation and more time in meaningful conversations in the background can increase happiness. So next time you are beating around the bush with a friend, instead of cutting straight to the chase. You will be happier for it. How Live
5) Search happiness in the job you have now: Many people expect the work or the right to drastically change your level of happiness career. But research clearly shows that their levels of optimism and the quality of relationships eclipse the satisfaction derived from their work. How Live
If you have a positive attitude, you will make the best of any job, and if you have good relationships, it will not be based on their work with a sense of meaning. You find a way to interact with the people you love. You will use your work as a crutch instead of relying on it meaning. How Live
This does not mean you should not aspire to get a job that makes you happy, many people find that to be the right career choice is an important decision your overall happiness. This simply means that you must understand that the ability of their work to make you happy is quite low compared to their prospects and their relationships. How Live
6) Smile: Science suggests that when you smile, whether you are happy or not, your mood is high. So smile all the time if you can! The smile is like a feedback loop: smiling increases happiness, happiness brings a smile. People smiling during painful procedures reported less pain than those who kept her face neutral traits. How Live
7) Forgive: A study of college students, an attitude of forgiveness contributed to better cardiovascular health. You could literally say that forgiveness heals the heart. Although we do not know how forgiveness directly affects your heart, the study suggests that it may reduce the perception of stress. How Live
8) make friends. In a 2010 study by Harvard researchers published in the American Sociological Review, the people who went to church regularly reported greater life satisfaction than those who do not. The determining factor is the quality of the friendships made in the church. The church-goers who were not close friends, there was no happier than people who never went to church. When the researchers compared people who had the same number of close friends, who have close friends from church were more satisfied with their lives. How Live
The difference is the formation of friendships based on common interests and mutual beliefs. So if the church is not your thing, consider looking for something that is deeply passionate, make friends with those who share similar interests. How Live
When interacting with people who share your interests, you feel happier because of feelings of reward and welfare. This is because during these interactions, serotonin and dopamine - the neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of happiness and relaxation - are released into the body. In other words, your body is designed to feel happier when engaged in social interactions. How Live
Happiness - is what we all strive to find and keep, even when it is as elusive as ever. No one is gay and excited all the time, but some people are definitely more fulfilled than others. Studies show that happiness has nothing to do with materialistic needs, goods, or desires, or high efficiency, which reduces your view of life, the quality of their relationships, and basic services such as good governance and community resources. Read on for more tips and tricks on how to unlock happier. How
1) Be optimistic. In the 1970s, researchers followed people who had won the lottery and found that a year later, they were no happier than those who do not. This hedonic adaptation suggests that everyone has a basic level of happiness. No matter what happens, good or bad, the effect on our happiness is temporary, and tend to return to our baseline. Some people have a basic level of happiness higher than others, and this is partly due to genetics, but is also strongly influenced by how you think. How
Add up all the little good things that happen during the day. For example, there was no traffic on the road, you have a very decent and delicious breakfast, his friend said something out loud humor that makes you laugh, he took his dog for a walk in the park and play with him. All these questions has added a large piece of happiness. How
See the glass half full and not half empty. Your girlfriend / boyfriend broke up with you? Now you have the chance to meet someone else! Lost your job? Now you can have the opportunity to find a better one! Adjust your thinking so that everything that happens to you, there is a core of good. How
Put yourself in situations where things fabulous, rich can happen to you. It is easier to be optimistic if you look to succeed. Cheating on a partner, or someone stealing the bike - then temporarily exciting - rarely end well for all parties involved. Ask yourself before you act: Am I setting myself for success or failure? How
Think about your current situation (but it can be difficult) and then think how much more difficult than others have. Be glad you're not in this situation. Learn to enjoy your life!
2) Follow your instinct. In one study, we asked two groups of people looking for a sign on your house. They asked a group to discuss his decision, weigh the pros and cons, and the other group was told to listen to your gut. Two weeks later, following your gut group was happier with their posters than the group that analyzed their decisions. Now, some of our decisions are more important than collecting posters, but by the time you looked at your options, weighs options are probably very similar, and the difference temporarily affect your happiness. How
The next time you have to make a decision, and they are two or three options, just choose which feels right and go with it. Never regret the choices you make, however. Just live by the 3 Cs of life: choices, risks and changes. You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change. How
3) Make enough money to cover basic needs - food, shelter, clothing. In the United States, that magic number is $ 60,000 per year. Any money beyond not necessarily make you happier. Remember that the winners of the aforementioned lottery? The masses of money make happier. Once you make enough to meet basic needs, your happiness is not affected significantly by the amount of money you make, but their level of optimism. How
Your comfort can increase your salary, but comfort is not what makes people happy. It makes people boring. This is why it is important to go beyond your comfort zone to supply personal growth. How
The idea of marrying an American woman literally terrifies me .
I cannot handle a sexual relationship with a person for the rest of my life? I am unable to settle down? Am I afraid of commitment? Well , no ... not exactly. This is due to marry an American woman is probably preparing their marriage to fail . woman Marry
It is sad that in the U.S., over 60% of marriages end in divorce. Even sadder is that almost 75 % of divorces are you initiated by women , despite the objections of the man (the remaining 25 % are divorced or consensual divorce initiated by the husband , despite the objections of women these two categories are about half and half in the remaining 25 %). These are all conservative numbers , incidentally, were rounded up for simplicity. Therefore, if 60 % of marriages end in divorce and 75 % of those who are initiated by women , we can do the math to combine these percentages: ( 0.75 ( 0.6) ) x 100 = 45 . woman Marry
There are at least a 45% probability that each time a man marries an American woman , the woman will want a divorce at some point. You have more chance of surviving Russian roulette !
Also, a man is much more likely to commit suicide within two years after the divorce of the average man . In Russian roulette , indeed. American women literally become the man - destroyers. woman
The major impediment to the marriage is women themselves. The figures reveal that they are family - saboteurs. Marrying an American woman is a risky business for us , guys. What do American women want : a husband or a complete fantasy Electronics ? They often act as if they think their devices are more valuable than human unnecessary pieces currently facing . woman
Think about it: there is the possibility of more than two in five American woman is unable to collect the love and commitment needed to make a marriage work ! The figures show that wives are ugly and do not even think of their wedding vows mean much. woman Marry
Why get married ? Honestly , why the hell should Flamboyant even consider marrying one ? ! Have you ever reached into a pile of garbage , if there is a possibility of more than two in five that someone suddenly hit the 'on' switch ? He is putting his face on fire! He is pure and simple problems. woman Marry
Marry an American girl is probably one of the worst things you could do with your life . Just do a simple cost / benefit, that's what the numbers show !
Women often plan their divorce in advance , the husband seems to always be the last to know and many men say they were surprised when the bomb drops sharply . Many had no idea of marriage still struggling ... Naturally, the course for everyone is that men must be idiots for not picking up on the subtle signs that your marriage is in trouble . woman
But is it really because men are insensitive idiots or because women are simply too good for being privy to his machinations ? Despite the fact that women say that men who cannot communicate , many women find that their husbands deliberate on the state of their marriage until the last minute . woman Marry
In response to the answer back in the past a reader, I described once getting the girl in the end not as a victory, but like an idiot - price or wrapped in a victory defeat. Well, here is one of the great ironies of the feminine Latin : If you're the kind of man who can support her shit and she wins in the end ( and fall in love and marry) , then there is a high probability that liked shortcut marriage (!) woman
I can only conclude that marrying an American woman is just poisoned candy ! Be with you all the time you can get pleasure and profit you. And every time it hits your fancy, will fall - kick to the curb after she did. And yet, some of these are contempt that men "cannot commit" happily divorced. woman Marry
Perhaps the reason I say that men do not agree that women are really easy to get commitments on how someone could change a pair of socks ? But no, no - it must be the man 's fault. If a woman has divorced her husband , then it is because the man was the problem and certainly not the person who contacted his lawyer to ask the divorce papers . woman
Sacred Vow is the time ...
Today, I formally you declare a sacred vow . I could have suggested in the past , and I do not think I've never officially said so far ... but here goes. Now and forever listening : Never let an American woman I marry my life ! woman
That is true. Here and now, I'm officially not the entire female population of the U.S. as a group that is not for the commitment of marriage . Chances are that you simply are not able to maintain a marriage . Chances are that they are incompetent when it comes to fulfill their marriage vows. woman American
Most likely not have the skills to recognize the basic human needs are not satisfied with their partner. These are generally short humans, sunken . Yes , I suggested something along these lines several times before but always left open the possibility that maybe , by some miracle , there could be an American woman out there that does not suck . (And yes, he may have done one or two American women out there that does not suck . ) However , these statistics ... and are rounding down ! * Shiver . * Prefer to follow a low-risk women . A woman who really serious about marriage. This is too risky proposition. woman
American women not only provide satisfactory or stable relationships !
It's a shame , because I know it would make a great husband one day. I want a successful marriage , and more than sixty - percent chance that the act of marrying an American woman says that my marriage will not be successful ... and, in addition , there will be an opportunity to more than two of every five that no matter how I am committed to the relationship , the woman will always try to rescue me at any given time. woman American
Among his professional aspirations , the need for independence and the fact that the average American women like to see men as unnecessarily redundant anyway - just no place for a stable marriage psyche in such conflict. Yes , some countries have even higher than the U.S. Some countries of the former Soviet Union have the highest divorce rates in the 60th percentile rates of divorce ... most of these countries , however , have experienced extreme levels of economic crisis, social dislocation , political instability and rising crime levels . woman
Naturally , there are many reasons why families are under pressure in places like Ukraine and Belarus. But America is a society with a relatively functioning economy where public services are not falling apart left and right and where anarchy is not endemic ... In short, women in the United States has no exigent circumstances that put their families under tremendous amount of stress. woman American
So why the families of American women fragmentation in these figures?
I'm sure there are perfectly legitimate reasons for a woman who wants to leave her husband ... but man is necessarily always the problem ? I do not think anyone can get an honest answer of why women divorce - women do not know how to reach their own conclusions than half the time! But you can be sure that whatever their reasons to justify your divorce with X number of charges , will always be a convenient excuse . She feels trapped in an unhappy relationship perhaps, or not enough of their needs met by her husband, or her husband spends a lot of time at work ...
Or sometimes women marry because they just want to have children . Once the children are raised , the man is no longer useful and can be safely disposed of . It is not necessary , inasmuch as it relates . woman
And you realize : whenever a divorced woman talks about her ex-husband, it's still unmistakably fault that she decided to end the relationship. Arrogant belief in his own righteousness begin to bleed - through clearly . She will be able to gab on and on about who was at fault (and never of sound ) . All this brings us back to the issue of women responsible for contempt. woman
Women prefer to believe that the weakest excuses could even suggest to take some responsibility for their divorce.
Think about it : even if the woman plans to divorce, initiated and carried out , is not responsible for the planning, initiation or execution of the decision to never fall out over her shoulders. Or, in some cases , could be complete lies about the man who abused her and her children , I know for a fact that some divorce lawyers most twisted secretly encourage their clients to do so. A man should always be the villain and the victim who needs help and sympathy. woman
Not once you accept things like : "I met another man I loved him more " or " I got bored of the relationship No, it must be the fault of its non - ex - husband 's how it ends marriage. . with an immaculate conscience. they cannot pity her ex husbands, ex-husbands made their should always be the ugliest pigs planet . do not want these poor women feel guilty , right? woman
To make matters worse , the legal system gives the woman a financial incentive when divorce . There are plenty of greedy lawyers , the opportunists in America daily bread peeling ex husbands earn wealth . After her divorce , a large part of his property and future earnings is basically considered to win. And never fall behind on their monthly payments : in recent years , the federal government has been relentlessly chasing ' deadbeat dads " with a vengeance in marriage and outside marriage , men are walking wallets. woman
And worst of all, many men find that after divorce, lose contact with their children while they are forced to keep their ex-wives financially. Approximately 85 % of children of divorce end of the custody of his mother ... and some children from the custody of their parents have become so after the father had spent thousands of dollars in legal fees trying to prove why they should be saved . ( In Journal of Marriage and the Family , Judge Seltzer published a 1991 study entitled " woman
The relationship between parents and children who live outside " , which revealed that a third of children saw their non-resident parent more than once in the previous year. ) doesn 't this masterpiece of the arrangement as a kind of involuntary servitude ? Having a percentage of your income stripped away from you to subsidize someone more like a form of financial servitude forced , right? ( And it can be an issue for law students , but the 13th Amendment of the U.S. woman
Constitution says no: " Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted , n ' exist in the United States? ... " therefore, an ex-husband is supposed to be a crime now? )
So to sum -up : to marry an American woman , there is a probability of over 45% , which , against his will, his marriage ends and contact with their children is lost ... on top of it, he was harassed by lawyers and forced to support their (ex ) family financially . Have an idiot to take that kind of risk! woman
If love is blind, the American marriage has lost all five senses
As for American guys : if you're a guy that personal satisfaction of making your woman happy is carried , you may have noticed that American women are not happy for long, no matter what you do for them. ( Have you ever been accused by his girlfriend does not show enough affection when really exhausted in a vain attempt to make her happy ? ) They will always have other unmet lying. They always want to buy another useless and expensive gift ... and end - dumping because they cannot give them. woman
But , of course , you want the best girl you can get because you know you 're a great person and you really have a sincere desire to build a true and lasting relationship. If an American girl ever rejects you , thankful she did before marriage. Hell, she prefers to be with the Lord idiot anyway. I say if that's what you want, if Mr. Asshole ! woman
It is not a secret that women have a tremendous amount of ability to control the power and judicial rights in the United States. In fact , women are the ones who set the rules and conditions of the system of dating , mating and marriage to follow ( their understanding of sex , for starters) . One of the things that women need to perpetuate this arrangement is still a remaining workers and disposable men to follow their rules selfish population. So why be resting ? woman
Divorce law is a system that is ruthless beyond the capacity of resistance of a single individual, who is averaging system to chew - spit and exclusive benefit of women. You can not tell from your system , or even try. But you can on - think , and there is safety in numbers . One of the things you can do to make life uncomfortable for women predators is idle before the wedding. There are many ways to do this , even just to ask specific questions to the woman you're dating can have an effect. woman
But my main point is, in a way not to be idle is to think in numbers: American women account for 5 % of the world population of women. Chances are , that are the basis of 5 % in terms of quality , as they are probably sexist, selfish and demanding as hell ... and I divorced at least 45 % of the time you marry , guaranteed. woman
With odds like that, you cannot go wrong by looking abroad! How the standards or reduce sales ? Of course not! Looking abroad , simply extend your search to the most beautiful woman you can find. Allows you to make better decisions. woman
Or, if you are a real player and is willing to take the risk of marrying an
American girl , at least insist on a prenuptial agreement and talk to a lawyer about what other divorce laws , you should be aware , for the love of the gods. If your girlfriend refuses to sign a marriage contract like mine, then you get an idea of why he married you . woman
You can say " no" to Folderol that American women have created for you to swallow. And believe me , it is true Folderol . You should always question their shit and refuse to accept their shit. And you can take comfort in the fact that you cannot say "no" and just walk away . What an American woman could claim itself, remember, is likely to be fit to be his wife. woman
07:00 Is your wife is still asleep . A few minutes later , she wakes up and gets ready to go to his office . You want to have breakfast, but not prepared for you , as it is busy . At noon , his wife is still in your office if you are alone at home and makes an internal matter. Woman
Is it in your mind when you think of marrying a career woman ? If yes, you are totally wrong. Poor you if you think the stereotype of marrying a career woman is to lose family . Woman
You may have already heard or listen divorce often caused by the woman who is a career woman cannot split the time between career and family. But one in a million. You do not have to worry about marrying a career woman . Woman
If you have a contract with them before your wedding, you will be fine. What is a lot? It is an agreement between you and your work. If your spouse wants a race in his life, even after marriage , it should be accepted . Instead , you can give a report. For example , it allows you a job , but a job that does not spend as much time as his bride -to-be - can share their life's work and the right family . Career Woman
If your spouse is a very busy and she will not give his wife the work is up to you to decide if you're okay with that, or you need to find another solution. If you're ready , you can find another job that is more tolerant . If she insists on being a career woman , so you have no choice but to accept it as is . On the subject of the home, you can hire a maid to help you and your wife have a duty to accommodate as house cleaning, washing, etc. , you can also hire a nanny for your baby 's later. This will make things easier . Marry Career Woman
Guys: a word of advice . Marry pretty women or ugly . Short or large. Blondes or brunettes. Just , whatever you do, do not marry a woman with a career.
Why? Because if many social scientists are to be believed , you run a greater risk of having a rocky marriage risk . While everyone knows that marriage can be stressful , recent studies have found professional women are more likely to get divorced , more likely to cheat , less likely to have children , and if they have children, they are more likely to be unhappy about it . A recent study of social forces , a research journal , found that women , even those with a "feminist " view are happier - when their husband is the primary breadwinner . Woman
Not a happy ending , especially since many men, particularly successful men , are attracted to women with similar goals and aspirations. And why not ? After all, your typical career girl is well-educated , ambitious, informed and engaged . Woman}}}
All seemingly good things , right? Sure ... at least until he is married . So to put it bluntly, the more successful the more likely she is to grow dissatisfied with you. Sounds familiar? Woman
Many factors contribute to a stable marriage , including the marital status of the parents of your spouse ( people with divorced parents are much more likely to get divorced themselves ), age at first marriage , race , creed, economic status - religious and partner. And of course , many working women are really happy and successful marriage is just that it is less likely to be as well as women who do not work . And that, statistically speaking, is the problem. Woman
To be clear, we 're not talking about a defection maintains a cash register. For our purposes, a " career girl " has a university (or higher) level , working over 35 hours a week away from home and making $ 30,000 per year. Woman
If a large number of studies are to be believed , marrying these women is asking for trouble . If they quit their jobs and stay home with the kids , they will be unhappy (Journal of Marriage and Family , 2003). They will not be happy if they earn more money than you do ( Social Forces , 2006). You will be unhappy if they earn more money than you do (Journal of Marriage and Family , 2001). You will be more likely to fall ill (American Journal of Sociology) . Even your house will be dirtier (Institute for Social Research). Woman
Why? Well, even though the link between work , women and divorce rates is complex and controversial , much of the reasoning is based on a lot of economic theory, and a little common sense . In classical economics , marriage is , at least in part , an exercise in labor specialization . Traditionally, men have tended to do " market" or paid work outside the home and women tend to "non - market" or household work , including child rearing . Woman
All work must do so by someone, and this couple , no matter who is in the house and that is outside the home, accomplishes that goal. Nobel laureate Gary S. Becker argued that when the labor specialization in a marriage decreases if, for example , both spouses have careers - the overall value of the marriage is lower for both partners because less work is required is total, ie that life harder for both parties and the most likely divorce. And , in fact, empirical studies have concluded that . Woman
In 2004 , John H. Johnson examined data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation and concluded that gender has a significant influence on the relationship between working hours and increasing the likelihood of divorce . Woman
The working hours of women consistently increase divorce , whereas increases in the working hours of men often have no statistical effect . " I also find that the incidence of divorce is far higher in couples where both spouses are working than in couples who used only one spouse ," Johnson said. Woman
Some other studies, which have focused on employment (as opposed to working hours ) have concluded that working outside the home actually increases marital stability , at least when the marriage is happy. But even in these studies , employment of women is positively divorce rates , when the marriage is of " poor quality of the union. " Marry Career Woman
The other reason a career can hurt a marriage will be obvious to anyone who has seen his partner run away with a colleague : When your spouse works outside , chances increase they meet someone they like more than you . " The workplace offers a multitude of potential partners ," researcher J. Adrian Maminka reported in the Journal of Marriage and Family Therapy ", and people often find themselves spending much time with these people. " Marry Career Woman
There's more: According to an extensive survey of the literature , people with higher education are more likely to have sex outside of marriage ( . Postgraduate degrees are 1.75 more likely to have misled those with high school diplomas ) Furthermore, the people earning more than $ 30,000 per year are more likely to cheat . Woman
And if the cheating leads to divorce , you are really in trouble. The divorce was positively correlated with higher rates of alcoholism , clinical depression and suicide.
Other studies have associated divorce with increased rates of cancer , stroke, and sexually transmitted diseases . Woman}}} More Divorce is devastating. According to a recent study on "Marriage and the impact of divorce on Wealth ," published in The Journal of Sociology , divorced people see their overall net worth drop an average of 77 %. Marry Woman
So why not stay alone? Because school speech , a solid marriage has a number of benefits beyond just individual happiness . " " There are broader social and health implications. According to a 2004 article entitled "What social scientists about the benefits of marriage know ? " Marriage is positively associated with " better outcomes for children under most cases, " higher earnings for adult men , and " being married and being in a satisfying marriage are positively associated with health and negatively associated with mortality. "In other words, a good marriage is associated with a higher income , healthy living longer, and children are better adapted . Marry Career Woman
A word of warning , though: As with any social scientific study , it is important not to confuse correlation with causation. In other words, just because married people are healthier than single people , this does not mean that marriage is causing the health benefits . It could simply be that healthy people are more likely to marry. Career Woman
When writer Michael Noer wrote in the U.S. magazine Forbes bible business has to marry a career woman was a sure way to misery and divorce, unleashed a storm of protest .
The response of a woman described as his article ? Blood - boilingly misogynist ? But it was also an important support for your argument. Thus, there is a point ? Woman asked a group of writers for their opinions differ slightly. men
The sister of the protest was as virulent as expected when ambitious Michael Noer warned not to marry career women if they would be successful or happy. woman
How dare argue unrepentant misogynist like to marry a woman who is college, earning over £ 20,000 a year and has a 35 - hour work week is a fast track to divorce court ? Well, sorry , ladies ? more trouble than you know? but he's right . And no feminist rage can change the basic fact of life so powerful dual career spells disaster . woman
Marriages that are not compatible with two runs only do so when a couple is sometimes fades to another. A classic example was Margaret Thatcher. She would never have achieved what he did without Denis in the background and support. woman
Of all the brilliant women I've known, none of them had a full-time career and spent 40 happy marriage . You can barely hold together when you're young and just starting out , but staff burnout a career high enough to purchase a wedding flight . And there is no evidence that couples who barely see each other due to work commitments can support the love and loyalty of a marriage is often a difficult journey. men
With two people working at full speed, the price is very high. Two ego to handle two people most of the day put two stressed individuals focused away from family life and the next first.
Noer is right to say ? More successful a woman is more likely to be satisfied with you ? . woman
Successful women have their own people in the workplace , where most cases you should still do most of the housework , chores, cooking, cleaning and child rearing .
Noer also argues that men are fundamentally unhappy if their wives earn more than them. And he's right . Dream of having a high gain pair, but I like the power and the freedom it gives to the woman .
And to be honest , women ? even feminists ? were not very comfortable with earn more than their husbands. We always thought that somehow his vaguely castrate a man to make less of a woman.
Ultimately, the great feminist revolution of the 20th century was to allow women to go to work, to be free, to be independent . But what has never changed is the basic requirements for a happy marriage. Above all , it takes time ? and two high-powered careers while this rule. woman
Michael Noer has certainly made things happen with a series of dogmatic life and tastes of others.
The head and independent women are up in arms throwing insults his way. Me too! I do not see that having a career as a woman paralyzed me . It gave me a sense of accomplishment , a number of interests outside the home, the conversation that stretched beyond diapers and strollers. woman
My income has given us a holiday we never had the money to spend on looking good , parties for friends, and caring for elderly parents.
Things have changed since the first marriage. And for better . Michael Noer insulting to men today , as well as women to think that they prefer the docile and submissive women. It was like that once , just after the war. The dream was that we would all be happy nest in domestic happiness to offset the stress of war . This does not happen . woman
Instead generations of women grew depressed, your brain asleep for the family routine , a growing number depends tranquilizers. Many women have tried this way through life and not love.
Things are much better now. The men open their hearts to share the lives of their children more than they once did . It gives a hot prospect in the world, a happy sense of what a family with . woman
Women , meanwhile , enjoy the company of colleagues , security to make money for themselves, the variety of careers to dispel the monotony of housework .
I want people to be happy. Really. Therefore , men should marry the girls they see fit for them . The high flying executive male prefer a woman who can hold his position agile , and can talk to him and his boss at the things that matter . woman
Sweet Man ambition? tolerant, which tends to decrease ? ask someone naturally compatible. But we will not issue dictates. The human heart is unique and is always able to surprise us.
Always worried feminist transport cards, and I know I should burn my protest against the brain than it seems at first glance to be a tirade of misogyny . woman
But oddly enough , I agree with Michael Noer . It is totally unfair that after 40 years of feminism , women should be penalized to climb the ladder of success , there is no sense of evolution.
The male of the species is programmed to provide , while feeding female gene , allowing you to take care of a child screaming and soothe a harried husband. woman
I do not mean a return to Victorian values , but certainly when the two of you work ten hour day , one of you has to manage the TLC .
And because men are useless like sympathy , is for women to assume this role. For my part , I like being a nurse , and yet I have never met a man he did not like my old-fashioned values . woman
Take my current partner. Every day I call him and ask him what he wants for dinner. Now I 'm back from Sainsbury ? S loaded with your favorite treats and when you come home , the house is warm and bright. woman
And I must say it feels good to make him happy . One thing , though: make sure he pays for everything you need to create this haven of peace , or go on strike .
New Neanderthals
There is a support group for neo - Neanderthals as Michael Noer .
They also believe that women are more suitable for house cleaning and raising children as a career, and believe that women should stay away from the temptations of the office and sexy male colleagues. They call themselves the Taliban, and if they are never short of a spin doctor, you need look no further that Mr. Noer . woman
According to his misogynistic logic , we are all fools unable or multitasking fickle loyalty. Let's have a race, and our customs and the ability to suck out the window.
Apart from the essential fact that these days most families need two incomes to make ends meet , Mr. Noer plays fast and loose with a lot of questionable statistics . woman
If women who try to support children , marriage and career are too stressed, maybe you should consider why. In the sixties , when the financial need , my mother was forced to look for a job , my father said he would? Pay ? allowed to work as long as it does not fall behind in their work ? ? ? ? . woman
These days , most men? ? including my father ? actually make more sense than to express this point of view , but that does not mean that many do not think it's secret.
A friend told me that, although he enjoyed the company of intelligent women , she intended to marry one ? Old ? daughter. An Oxford graduate himself , said he was sick of women who attempt tied for ya?
Do you have everything ? . woman
He married a bright well-educated woman who had clearly read articles like Mr. Noer and determined that the way to keep a man was to focus on the support of his career.
Bored and frustrated , which is both life miserable for five years, until she had an affair with her personal trainer, and both are separated . woman
My friend is happily married man with a head of PR superpower whose salary figures six dwarfs yours. They can afford a nanny for her two , cleaner, part time doing housework loves none of them can be bothered. woman
Marriage is about commitment and collaboration , right? ? The specialization of labor ? . The focus as a business ? Mr. Noer done? and sooner or later you will be in bankruptcy.
When I went home and asked my wife novelist ? ? ? ? ? What you do today , honey , I hope to hear something different every day. woman
But how different the responses of a woman who stays at home can pick up ? And I should know : our early days of parenting , my wife had a desk job ( and the essential salary ) while I was a writer. So I became his son 's career . I'm sure it was quite annoying to come home . woman
And to be honest , I was bored . So I can really ask for or expect my wife to do ? If you do not want to limit my life , why her? Then? because I offered to do more weekend child care ? she took the time to write a first novel and launch his own career. I could not imagine not living with a career woman . woman
Does that mean that our children are so well brought up ? Yes , they probably are. Than 04 hours during the pottery is sometimes just not a runner. But there is a huge head : see the father and mother who works hard , enjoy their work , increased satisfaction of this work. woman}}}
You say that only really counts for our daughter, it is she who has to see a female model.
But the opposite is also true: my son the opportunity to see a father who cooks most of the family meals, laundry, who knows basically everything about domestic life as his mother. Like any man should . woman
And most importantly , my son will not repeat my experience of watching my own mother, who was stranded and alone when their children grew up , it seems almost envy of the full life led her husband to work.
Best of the two works , and works hard is that the same? Sometimes I give in to his career , sometimes it's mine . And when we got home , we remain responsible for everything, good and bad. woman
I learned the truth at ten years old when I discovered that my father had momentarily dropped my tall, slender brunette LSE educated mother has an affair with a plump blonde who worked in the store of local fish and chips. Shortly after my parents divorced . woman
My mother, you see, was a career woman . No one who has made a lot of money spent which in itself , not the masses swanned worldwide charismatic men gathered . But a career woman whose career was to run a successful business with my father.
However, even though my parents? targets were identical , their finances together, their shared benefits , career my mother finally led to the collapse of his marriage, simply because it was more laborious , more dedicated , and ? the strength of her beauty, personality and charm ? eclipsed my father at every turn. woman
Years later , my mother and I sat down together to analyze the impact of a successful career in their marriage. ? The problem is ? He says, ? Most men want a woman who is part of his image , not an image of themselves. ?
Then there was my friend Patricia , a French psychiatrist success that saw patients in his office, while her husband , the musician playing the piano with your heart's content , funded by his career. Ten years after his marriage, he left her for an older woman who did not work , but devoted his life to worship. woman
In both cases , the more successful career woman , more castrated men and most endangered of marriage.
And as much as I wish it was not true ? the world is full of husbands who love , admire and support their wives women in the race and that we women can be very happy to play our individual husbands Madonna, Philip Elizabeth our Queen ? the harsh reality is that neither the individual nor Phil seems happy to be married to a career woman who outshines every step of the way . woman
Committed career woman ? I work as obsessive workaholic man? It is almost as fatal to marriage as the wife of the parasite who prefer to see the world in its efforts to go out and get a job in itself . career
Any man who meets a woman from his fanatical work ? if a trader in the city or hospital consultant , a member or a director ? must look elsewhere for a wife .
A woman who is at work before 7:30 am and after 7:30 pm , which talks about his work at breakfast and dinner and has a portfolio of holiday teddy is a victim of egocentric constraint continue the same way after the wedding . woman
The man who would be happy for the rest of your life should certainly run away from a visit to the altar with this woman as fast as his legs would carry. On the other hand, some qualities make it desirable to live than the sound of his monthly salary to sound woman happily in the joint account. woman
A good special cake deserves a great honor and a loving mother is a noble figure , a hot happy double bed is a treasure beyond price . But the woman who makes the same to the board of the family contribution is the rarest jewelry sex.
Why? In all cases ? only men should have to endure the misery , degradation and fatigue from work? career